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19 Crimes Shiraz 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. The 19 Crimes Shiraz is full of flavours of raspberries, dark plums, and chocolate. Plush tannins provide a lingering finish.

Babich Hawke's Bay Syrah 750ml

Much has been said and written about the Gimblett Gravels area being fantastic for Syrah. Babich was a pioneer of this region and this wine comes from the famous Babich Irongate vineyard. It is an accessible middleweight Syrah that's big on berry fruit, sprinkled with spice and pepper.

Barossa Black Shiraz 750ml

Smooth and full bodied with flavours of blackberry, dark chocolate and spicy oak characters, followed by a concentrated palate displaying excellent depth and density.

Barossa Valley Estate Shiraz 750ml

Vibrant characteristics of red plum, black pepper and spice create a striking presence.

Bay and Barnes Block Shiraz 750ml

This Australian Shiraz from the Riverland winegrowing region in South Eastern Australia. This hot, dry winegrowing region is famous for ripe, generous, classic Aussie Shiraz with delicious sweet red berry flavours. Harvested at perfect ripeness, fruit was immediately processed at the winery and fermented on skins to maximise flavour and colour. Maturation in oak.

Casillero del Diablo Shiraz 750ml

The first layer of aromas is highlighted with black forest fruits, predominantly blackberries and wild berries. Soon after the toasted notes of the barreling reveal a greater complexity, complemented with spiced notes, principally of pepper. On the palate, the tannins are firm from the outset and the fruit is mature.

Church Road McDonald Series Syrah 750ml

The McDonald Series wines are an expression of both their fruit and the vision of their namesake winemaker. An aromatic, textural Syrah with a core of rich berry fruit and dark plum, complimented by lifted floral notes, warm spice, liquorice and subtle oak. The palate is medium-weight and supple with a long finish. For quality reasons, this wine is unfined and unfiltered. Decanting is recommended.

Church Road Syrah 750ml

Church Road Syrah expressed the warm climate of Hawke's Bay perfectly with ripe plum, cherry and hints of spice. Complexity from it's time in Oak Barrels offers this wine profound texture, body and finesse. Suitable for any occasion and paired with red meats, pastas or to have with your next convivial moment shared with friends or family.

De Bortoli DB Family Selection Shiraz 750ml

Bright crimson with ruby hues. Generous layers of ripe red fruits combining with notes of mint and spice. The wine has a nice silky texture mouth-feel complimenting red berry characters with a touch of peppery spice from underlying oak and integrated tannins.

De Bortoli Woodfired Heathcote Shiraz 750ml

Rich, mouth filling with balanced tannins - authentically Heathcote.

George Wyndham Bin 555 Shiraz 750ml

A classic Australian Shiraz: bold, rich and generous yet beautifully balanced.

Graham Norton Shiraz 750ml

This off-dry South Australian Shiraz is a vibrant and fruit-forward wine that boasts aromas of juicy red berries, raspberry, and black cherry. On the palate, the wine is medium-bodied with a silky texture, displaying flavours of ripe red fruit and a hint of chocolate. The wine has a pleasant balance of acidity with an easy-to-drink finish. Overall, a delightful and approachable Shiraz that pairs well with a variety of dishes, from grilled meats to pasta.
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