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Bay and Barnes Block Merlot 750ml

This Merlot was sourced from premium vineyards. Immediately following harvest fruit undertook fermentation on skins to lock in colour and flavour. It was then gently pressed and matured on oak to develop subtle toasty and mocha flavours and a rich smooth palate. The resulting wine a has dark, inky colour followed by a rewarding, silky mouthfeel and intense, rich plum flavour. Enjoy this Merlot with crispy five spice-scented, Peking duck pancakes with hoisin sauce and Asian greens.

Brown Brothers Origins Series Merlot 750ml

The magnificence of sprawling old world estates, charming Château and blooming fields of lavender in the French southern regions were the inspirations that led to Brown Brothers Origins Series Merlot. A fruit-forward wine that's medium in body with lifted aromas of red berries, subtle liquorish, and spice.

Casillero del Diablo Merlot 750ml

The Casillero del Diablo Merlot is bright dark and deep purple. Subtle aromas of chocolate, dark plums, red berries and spices, with hints of vanilla and smoke. Medium-bodied, with lovely tannins, velvety texture, rich and a long, pretty finish.

Esk Valley Estate Merlot Malbec Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

This is a smooth and fruit orientated Gimblett Gravels blend. Deep purple in colour, it has a bouquet of dried herbs, red berries and subtle hints of cedar from a period of barrel maturation.

Giesen Estate Merlot 750ml

The palate is fruit focused, succulent and approachable showing flavours of dry spice, plum and brambles with finely structured tannin and superb length.

Haha Hawke's Bay Merlot 750ml

A vibrant wine with dark plum, wild berry and spice notes. Juicy and rich, this wine displays excellent fine tannin structure and a delicious oaky complexity.

Hardys Varietal Range Merlot 1 Litre

Hardys VR stands for uncomplicated wines displaying true varietal character, perfect for everyday enjoyment. Hardys Varietal Range Merlot is a soft medium bodied wine with a fine tannin structure which supports fleshy ripe fruit, subtle spice and finishes with lingering plum and cherry flavours. Pair with with duck or lamb or some cheese.

Huntaway Reserve Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Dark plum, berry, cassis and spicy fruit aromas are complemented by smoky oak and dark chocolate characters.

Jacob's Creek Classic Merlot 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Merlot has intense aromas of blackberry with spice and leafy notes. The palate shows vanilla and sweet dark berry fruits with mocha oak and lovely silky tannins. Enjoy with your favourite pasta or semi-hard cheeses like Edam.

Lake Chalice The Falcon Merlot 750ml

A medium bodied Merlot with rich fruit and supple tannins, with a nice touch of mocha and underlying spicy, toasty oak.

Matawhero Single Vineyard Merlot 750ml

This full-bodied wine is packed with fruity notes, earthy undertones and soft tannin. Brooding, complex nose with hints of plums and blackberries. On the palate light mocha and rich full berry flavours. The wine has good concentration with a smooth finish. Enjoy with meat, cheese platter or tapas.

McGuigan Black Label Merlot 750ml

The wine McGuigan Black Label Merlot is soft and elegant with fresh red berry characters, generous weight, and good length of flavour with a sweet oak finish. The soft velvety texture of Merlot makes it a great partner for a range of dishes featuring red meat, pork and chicken.
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