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Tohu Hawke's Bay Merlot 750ml

Black fruit and dark plum aromas seamlessly blend with subtle spicy notes in this smooth and silky Hawke's Bay Merlot. On the palate flavours of blackberry, cassis and hints of cocoa are balanced with fine tannins leading to a dry and richly textured finish.

Tohu Nelson Chardonnay 750ml

This Nelson Chardonnay displays vibrant aromas of bright citrus zest, ripe stonefruit and subtle hints of warm, spicy French oak. On the palate flavours of white peach, ginger, juicy grapefruit and notes of toasted nut take this medium bodied and elegantly textured wine to a lusciously long and persistent finish.

Tohu Nelson Rosé 750ml

A delicate rose-gold hue in the glass, this luminous Nelson Rosé displays bright aromas of red pear and crushed cranberry. The vibrant palate of pink plum and ripe citrus is underpinned with notes of fresh fig and a subtle hint of crab-apple. With just a touch of balancing sweetness this delightfully vibrant and fresh Rosé has a wonderfully long, luscious and persistent finish.

Torbreck Woodcutter's Shiraz 750ml

Dark plum, raspberries, cassis, dark cherry, spice and vanilla on the nose. A medium to full bodied palate with soft tannins and textural mouthfeel.

Torres Sangre de Toro Tempranillo 750ml

Dark cherry red in colour. Exquisite strawberry aroma with a spicy black pepper note. Warm and firm on the palate with delicate acidity.

Trapiche Pure Black Malbec 750ml

The Deep, rich black colour invites you to discover the mystery of this wine, which displays intense aromas of black cherries, black plums and blackberries with a subtle spicy touch.

Trinity Hill Hawke's Bay Merlot 750ml

Aromatics of plum, and blackberry take on a tinge of chocolate along with some spicy touches from time spent in oak. The palate is soft and smoothly Merlotesque, fruit-forward yet complex. Eminently drinkable.

Two Rivers Isle of Beauty Rosé 750ml

Pale pink in colour, this Mediterranean style rosé is savoury with aromas of Himalayan pink salt, overlaying nuances of watermelon, persimmon, peach, and wild strawberry. The zesty palate exudes blackcurrant, crushed red berries, sherbet, and a seasoning of umami. This elegant rosé is perfectly poised with a chalky texture, delivering a mouthwatering, generous, and dry finish.

Ultimate Provence Rosé Côtes de Provence 750ml

Vibrant pale with coppery tints. An intense palette of aromas, with successive notes of fresh lemon and exotic fruit combined with flaunty florals embodying the vineyard's audacious image.

Valdouro Ruby Port 750ml

Ruby port is all about youthful fruit and flavour intensity, and this port delivers perfectly. The nose is ripe and lifted displaying blackberry, raisin and spice characters. The palate is supple and rich with fine tannins and a lovely warm alcohol finish.

Valdouro Tawny Port 750ml

Tawny Ports are wines made from grapes that are aged in wooden barrels, exposing them to gradual oxidation and evaporation. As a result, they gradually mellow to a golden brown colour

Vavasour Chardonnay 750ml

Complex and elegant, citrus, nectarine and apricot notes balanced by toasty French oak.
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