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Montana Classics Riesling 750ml

From humble beginnings in 1934, Montana Wines owes much to the passion and toil of their first winemakers. The dedication to their craft has inspired the winemakers of today to create this top quality range of wines. The nose showcases fresh citrus, white florals and musk lolly. Rich and plush on palate. Ripe stone fruit and confectionery notes balanced with slight chalky texture and spritz finish.

Montana Classics Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

From humble beginnings in 1934, Montana Wines owes much to the passion and toil of their first winemakers. The dedication to their craft has inspired the winemakers of today to create this top quality range of wines. This easy going and approachable wine is delivering classic aromas characteristic of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. Lively gooseberry and ripe capsicum, layered with tropical passionfruit and grapefruit undertones.

Montana Festival Block Pinot Noir 750ml

Montana Festival Block Pinot Noir displays a nose of dark fruit with blueberry, damson and prune followed by spicy oak and hints of leather. The palate is soft and darkly fruited, with black cherry and notes of fresh tobacco leaf and vanilla. The tannins are gentle and the oak integration is good.

Montana NZ Collection Chardonnay 750ml

This is a rich and interesting drop with fruit driven aromas of apricot and melon with balanced buttery notes and a textural palate showcasing toasty oak characteristics.

Montana NZ Collection Pinot Noir 750ml

This seductive pinot noir from Marlborough is smooth & velvety with layers of cherry, plum and bright red fruit notes and a subtle oaky savouriness. The palate is richly textured with spice and integrated oak underpinned by nuances of dry herbs and savoury notes.

Morton Estate Black Label Chardonnay 750ml

This complex and full bodied wine shows aromas of ripe melon, candied citrus, quince and toffee. The palate has superb depth and length of flavour. Rich mouth-filling fruit is supported by subtle toasty French oak.

Morton Estate Black Label Merlot 750ml


Morton Estate Black Label Pinot Noir 750ml

Dark cherry, plum, raspberry dominate the aroma, supported and complimented with vanilla, wood smoke and grilled mushrooms. On the palate the pedigree and depth of flavour is immediately evident, with support from a very fine tannin structure.

Morton Estate Black Label Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

A vibrant Sauvignon Blanc, aromatics of passionfruit shine brightly.

Morton Estate White Label Merlot 750ml

Morton Estates vineyards are concentrated in Hawkes Bay on the east coast of the North Island, and in Marlborough on the northern tip of the South Island. Both of these regions are well recognised for their outstanding whites: Marlborough consistently producing the worlds most awarded Sauvignon Blancs, and Hawkes Bay, best known for its Chardonnays.

Mt Difficulty Bannockburn Pinot Noir 750ml

Mt Difficulty is a boutique winery located in Bannockburn, Central Otago, and was named after the mountain overlooking Felton road and the southern Cromwell basin. As the vineyards are ageing Mt Difficulty are starting to see additional complexity emerging each vintage. Inviting and opulent, the palate is flush with sweet cherry & blueberry, followed by trademark earth & savoury notes and framed by baking spice and fine grained French Oak. The fruit floods through to the finish with a juicy balance, indicating acidity that will keep the wine aging well.

Mt Difficulty Bannockburn Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Supple gooseberry notes introduces the wine before moving into a broadly textured mid-palate. A lovely acid line drives passionfruit flavours on the finish.
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